M.Sc. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy

The Master's degree program offers research and practice-oriented training in clinical psychology, psychotherapy and clinical neuropsychology. It follows the licensing regulations for psychotherapists (PsychThApprO) and has been recognized by the Bavarian State Examination Office under professional law. This means that graduates meet the requirements for admission to the licensing examination following the course and for further training as a specialist psychotherapist.


Information for prospective students

We are delighted that you are interested in studying for a Master's degree with us!

You can find all the key information about the Master's program on the Central Student Advisory Service page.

You are also welcome to take a look at the section DURING YOUR STUDY. There you will find further insights into the content and modules of our Master's program.

Application Portal

Applications can only be submitted online via our application portal. There you can upload all relevant documents in electronic form. Please refrain from submitting applications in paper format, as these cannot be considered. The application portal will be reactivated in 2025.

Application procedure and deadlines for the winter semester 2025/26

  • Submission of the online application from May 1 to June 15
  • Receipt of a qualification or rejection letter (August)
  • Submission deadline for the final certificate by September 03
  • Receipt of a letter of admission or rejection (September). The letter of admission also contains the compulsory elective module assigned to you.
  • Enrolment/re-enrolment: You can find more detailed information here.

Which documents must be uploaded to the application portal?

Up to and including June 15th:

  • Proof of at least 140 ECTS points earned:
    • For this purpose, please submit a certificate of examination achievements (Transcript of Records (ToR)) from your first degree course to date, showing the total number of ECTS points.
  • Proof of 6 ECTS credits in Neuropsychology:
    • For this, please submit your ToR as well as your module handbook from your first degree program. You can list the ECTS in Neuropsychology in the online application portal. Neuropsychological content is decisive, regardless of whether the term “Neuropsychology” appears in the module title. This content can be verified by the module descriptions. Individual parts of a module, for example 50%, can also be credited
  • Proof of professional recognition of the Bachelor's degree program:
    • For this, please submit the form Proof of professional recognition or equivalent proof (e.g. note on ToR or certificate).

Up to and including September 3rd:

  • Proof of completion of first degree (180 ECTS) and professional recognition:
    • Please submit your degree certificate and your transcript of records. These must show the total number of ECTS credits and the final grade. If you have also completed a certificate course, please also submit your final documents (e.g. ToR, certificate).
  • Note: Provisional certificates of expected graduation cannot be considered. All achievements (incl. internships) must be completed by September 3rd and formally verified (proof by degree certificate, ToR or certificate)

Selection procedure

If there are more qualified applications than places available, the applications will be selected according to a ranking list (based on the average grade of the degree certificate). We expect to be able to offer a place to 75 applicants.
If there is more interest in a compulsory elective module among the admitted applications than there are places available, the selection committee will take into account both your stated preferences and the ranking based on your final grade.

Hardship application

  • If you would like to submit a hardship application, please apply regularly in the application portal. Then send a short, informal letter within the application deadline explaining your situation and any supporting documents (e.g. medical reports) to the following e-mail address: masterklippt@psy.lmu.de.
  • Hardship applications will be reviewed at the end of the application phase. Only those applicants who generally meet the requirements for the Master's program will be considered.


If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Heike Rohrbacher and Sara Däumling at masterklippt@psy.lmu.de.

Application for the first semester

  • Professionally qualifying university degree
    • Bachelor's degree in Psychology with 180 ECTS, which fulfills the professional requirements according to § 9 para. 4 sentences 5 and 6 of the Psychotherapists Act (PsychThG) and the licensing regulations for psychotherapists (PsychThApprO). If you have a foreign qualification, please note the recommendations of the German Society for Psychotherapy.
    • Note: It is not possible to obtain additional qualifications or make up missing ECTS points.
  • Neuropsychological basics:
    • At least 6 ECTS in clinical neuropsychology, including topics such as neuropsychological diagnostics, test procedures, disorder patterns, aetiology, pathology and human neuroanatomy.
  • German language skills:
    • The course is taught exclusively in German, which is why the language level must be at least C1.
  • ECTS points in the current degree program:
    • If applying from the 6th semester, at least 140 ECTS in B.Sc. Psychology must have been achieved at the time of application.

Application for a higher semester

  • You can apply for a higher semester within the application deadline. For further information, please contact masterklippt@psy.lmu.de.
  • Please note: Please understand that we are unable to carry out individual preliminary checks of your application documents due to capacity constraints. The documents will only be checked as part of the application process.


Information for students

You can find the most important information about starting your studies and all relevant details about the Master's program here. Further helpful information can be found in the flyer and the study booklet from the Psychology Student Council.

A total of 120 ECTS points must be earned over the course of four semesters. These are distributed across modules in the following subject blocks.

Compulsory module 1 “Advanced methodological foundations” (9 ECTS credits)

  • Advanced statistical methods 1
  • Advanced statistical methods 2
  • Application of advanced statistical methods

Compulsory module 2 “Special disorders and procedures in psychotherapy” (12 ECTS credits)

  • Special disorders and procedures
  • Disorders and procedures in adulthood
  • Disorders and procedures in childhood and adolescence
  • Disorders and procedures in neuropsychology

Compulsory module 3 “Applied Psychotherapy” (6 ECTS credits)

  • Applied psychotherapy
  • Indications, therapy planning and applied psychotherapy

Compulsory module 4 “Advanced psychological diagnostics and assessment, documentation and evaluation” (6 ECTS credits)

  • Preparation of assessments
  • Documentation and evaluation

Compulsory module 5 “Professional qualification activity II - in-depth practice of psychotherapy” (15 ECTS credits)

  • Psychotherapy for adults and older people
  • Psychotherapy for children and adolescents
  • Neuropsychological therapy

Compulsory module 6 “Self-reflection” (3 ECTS credits)

  • Self-reflection in the context of psychotherapeutic action

Compulsory module 7 “Psychotherapy research” (9 ECTS credits)

  • Psychotherapy research
  • Research-oriented internship II - Psychotherapy research

Compulsory module 8 “Professional qualification activity III - applied practice of psychotherapy” (21 ECTS credits)

  • Internship in inpatient care
  • Internship in outpatient care (university outpatient clinics)

Compulsory module 9 “Final module” (30 ECTS credits)

  • Colloquium for the Master's thesis
  • Master's thesis

Compulsory elective module WP 1 “Scientific specialization with a focus on cognitive psychology” (9 ECTS credits)

  • In-depth study of developmental psychology
  • Cognitive and neuropsychological basics specialization
  • Selected topics in cognitive psychology


Compulsory elective module WP 2 “Scientific specialization with a focus on neuropsychology” (9 ECTS credits)

  • In-depth study of developmental psychology
  • Cognitive and neuropsychological basics specialization
  • Selected topics in neuropsychology

You can find out which courses you have to take during your Master's degree in the module handbook. Two exemplary study plans (PDF, 122 KB) serve as orientation.

You can find further information on the degree program in the examination and study regulations.

Deadlines and dates, such as for course assignments and exam registrations, can be found on the website of the Examination Office.

LRZ identification
As soon as you are enrolled, you will receive a so-called LRZ ID. This gives you access to all portals that are relevant during your studies.

Organizational Matters on LSF
You can register for courses and examinations on the LSF platform. To do this, click through to the Master's degree course in Psychology: Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy in the course catalog. There you will find all the relevant modules and can register for these or the associated examinations.

In the LSF you will also find all the necessary information about the courses (dates, rooms, lecturers, etc.) as well as examinations already taken and transcripts of records.

Content on Moodle
As a rule, lecturers use Moodle to provide course materials. They will also provide you with the registration keys for the courses.

The BQT III consists of an internship in outpatient (150 hours) and (partially) inpatient care (450 hours).Normally, this is completed in the 3rd or 4th semester.
Note: BQT II must be completed in accordance with the requirements of the PsychThApprO, the module handbook and the above-mentioned statutes before commencing BQT III.

Allocation of internships

In a central allocation procedure, the semester in which BQT III takes place is first decided on the basis of the students' prioritization and the availability of internship places (the Master's thesis is then planned for the other semester).
The internship places are then allocated based on the priorities given by the students and the availability of internship places. More detailed information on the allocation procedure can be found in the relevant statute..

Please note: Independent applications outside of the central allocation procedure are not possible. Students who do not complete the internships at their assigned training institution cannot be confirmed as having properly completed this coursework. Therefore, in your own interest, please refrain from making individual applications to clinics.

Info Event

An information event on BQT III takes place at the beginning of the 1st semester. You will receive an invitation from Dr. Heike Rohrbacher.
You will find detailed information on BQT III in due course and after activation in the corresponding Moodle course.

Contact persons
Outpatient BQT III: Maximilian Ganslmeier
(Partial) inpatient BQT III: Dr. Elena Seelig and Dr. Hannah Preiß
Contact: bqt3@psy.lmu.de

The Master's thesis is usually written in the 3rd or 4th semester. Allocation to one of the two semesters takes place as described in more detail under BQT III on the basis of a central allocation procedure.

Master's theses can be supervised at all chairs of the Department of Psychology or externally. Please note the regulations of the individual chairs. An overview of currently offered theses can be found here.

The registration periods for the Master's thesis are announced by the Examination Office.

A semester abroad offers students the unique opportunity to gain international experience, strengthen intercultural skills and at the same time expand their professional and language skills. It is therefore a valuable enrichment for both their studies and their personal development.

The Department of Psychology offers you exciting opportunities to explore Europe within the framework of ERASMUS or to gain international experience outside Europe via LMUexchange. You can also obtain further information from the International Office.

Note: Early planning of a semester abroad is recommended. You are welcome to contact the course coordinator Dr. Rohrbacher in this regard. Before your semester abroad, please also clarify which credits you will be taking abroad and whether these can be recognized.

Study Program Coordination

Dr. Heike Rohrbacher

Program Coordinator Master Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy

Contact BQT III

Outpatient BQT III
Maximilian Ganslmeier
Inpatient BQT III
Dr. Elena Seelig
Dr. Hannah Preiß


What now?

The Master's in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy offers various career opportunities. Below you will find an overview of various career paths.

This degree program teaches all the subject-specific and interdisciplinary skills, abilities and knowledge required by the PsychThApprO for the Master's degree program. This means that the licensing examination can be completed with the Master's degree.

After the licensing examination, you choose a specialist area for the five-year further training to become a specialist psychotherapist. This further training leads to specialist knowledge (specialist qualification), which enables you to work independently as a specialist psychotherapist and paves the way to psychotherapeutic practice.

There are currently three specialist areas for postgraduate training:

  • Psychotherapy for adults
  • Psychotherapy for children and adolescents or
  • Neuropsychological psychotherapy (for all ages).

Detailed information on the licensing examination procedure (requirements, deadlines, etc.) can be found on the website of the State Examination Office.

Further training takes place at qualified institutes. On the website of the Bavarian Chamber of Psychotherapists, you will find a list of further training institutions and those authorized to provide further training for psychotherapists in Bavaria.

For graduates of psychological degree courses who had already begun their studies before September 2020, there is still the option of acquiring a license to practice as a psychological psychotherapist (PP) and specialist knowledge as part of postgraduate training as part of a transitional arrangement (see the “old model” of the PsychThG from 1999). The same applies to training as a child and adolescent psychotherapist (KJP).

At the Department of Psychology, these training courses are offered at two institutes:

A Master's degree in psychology also qualifies you for a career in science and research. The first step after a Master's degree towards an academic career is usually a doctorate.

Information on formal requirements for a doctorate at the Department of Psychology at LMU can be found here: In addition, the LMU Graduate Center offers a wide range of information and support services for doctoral candidates.

Doctorates generally last at least 3 years and are usually carried out as part of a position as a research assistant (e.g. in a third-party funded project or a professorship).

  • LMU job advertisements can be found on the job portal.
  • Many positions in academic psychology are advertised throughout Germany via the Hogrefe PsychJOB portal.
  • However, not all positions are advertised. It is therefore also advisable to send unsolicited applications to working groups that are researching topics of interest to you. Clinical-psychological research is mainly carried out at universities, but also in clinics (e.g. Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at LMU) and research institutes (e.g. Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry).

Another option for financing a doctorate is to apply for a scholarship. You can find an overview of scholarship and funding opportunities here.

If you are interested in doing a doctorate at the Chair of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, you can find out about our current research topics here. All members of the Chair who are professors or private lecturers are eligible to supervise a doctorate. If you have any questions or are interested, please contact us.

Even though the Master's degree in Psychology with a focus on Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy is primarily geared towards work in clinical practice or science, graduates of a Master's degree in Psychology have many other career opportunities. For example, psychologists work in human resources departments, strategic management consultancies, politics or political consulting, advertising and market research, scientific organization and communication, research and development in industry or service companies or as experts in legal psychology. Information on possible fields of activity can be found on the website of the German Society for Psychology and the Professional Association of German Psychologists.